Hashtag Too Lazy Girls

Hashtag Too Lazy Girls de Hashtag Too Lazy Girls

Hashtag Too Lazy Girls

Rebekah and Cristina made a podcast because they think they're funny. Follow them on Twitter @irate_conqueror @stinaremo

Categorias: TV e Cinema

Ouvir último episódio:

This podcast is a mess. A very drunk pseudo-review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens with “special” guests Shireen and Kat. We’ve divided this into a spoiler-free first half followed by a deeper second half, which includes spoiler moments. If you haven’t seen the film, listen to the first half of this, go see The Force Awakens, and tune back in for the latter!

Episódios anteriores

  • 1 - A Star War Part Deux 
    Thu, 11 Feb 2016
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